Chapter History
The Phi Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, made its debut on October 1, 1946. Under the leadership of Dr. Lowell Wormley, Ernest Bartlett, and the late George Meares, six interested men traveled to Los Angeles, California and organized the Phi Iota Chapter. The six young pledgees were: William Warren, John Henry, Denzil Perdue, Dr. David Solomon, Lloyd Dickey and the Honorable H.B. Daniels.
In the spring of 1947, these men, along with the District Representative James P. Perry, initiated three men into the Fraternity, Walter Venerable, Sr., William Johnson, W. C. McLellan, and Phi Iota was off and running. The three men were initiated in Father Emmett’s Mission, which is now a Catholic Church, and afterwards a formal banquet was held in honor of the new brothers.
In the spring of 1948, Phi Iota Chapter hosted the 4th Annual 12th District Meeting here in Phoenix, Arizona at the home of William H. Patterson, Lodge #477. There were five (5) chapters present, two (2) delegates per chapter and a total of 49 brothers in attendance. Rushia Fellows was elected Vice-District Representative (Tucson), Walter C. Bailey, District Director of Publicity (Phoenix), and Dr. Walter I. Murray, District Keeper of Records and Seal (Phoenix).
Brother Dr. Lowell Wormley served as the first Basileus and helped initiate many good Omega Men. In December of 1974, Phi Iota Chapter hosted the Grand Conclave in Phoenix at the Del Webb Townhouse. Brothers from all over the country visited Phoenix for the first time.